Adapting to Social Media

Martin Marroquin
2 min readApr 20, 2022


Coming into the semester, I didn’t expect to “learn” anything. I’d had some experience in journalism, so I figured this would be a breeze.

I have the perspective of someone who has had a career and is over 15 years removed from high school. So, being asked to do something like downloading an app for the sake of completing an assignment isn’t a big deal.

To be fair, it hasn’t been difficult, but I have had to go outside of my comfort zone. And that’s not to say that it’s been a joke of a class. But the true value has come from having to participate in things I otherwise wouldn’t.

Like I mentioned, I have done some writing in the past. I’m generally pretty proud of my ability as a writer. Even if I don’t have the brand to prove my worth. Writing has always been kind of enjoyable, and come fairly easy.

But, talking, and recording that talking, is a different world. Creating stories for social media have been an uncomfortable, but fun adjustment. The hardest part is listening to myself speak once I’m done recording. Does anyone like the sound of their own voice?

It’s truly incredible that I can do everything I need on my phone. Growing up media seemed so much more involved just to get an on location report. I can edit a video, record the audio, and do all the fancy transitions in one place. This reaction probably dates me, but its so convenient.

I knew that my goal was working in sports. I’ve flip flopped between coaching, journalism, scouting. I don’t think I will end up in journalism long term. My worry was how I was received after I wrote a negative story. Or how a quote was used from a trusted source.

But I have enjoyed the “production” side of creating stories for social media. Even on this rudimentary level



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